MINI TRIGONOS Wooden construction game for kids
64,40 €
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Mini Trigonos is a range of wooden construction games for kids made up of sticks and blocks that are easily connected, as well as fabrics that can be used to decorate or mark separate areas.
Mini Trigonos is a range of wooden construction games for kids made up of sticks and blocks that are easily connected, as well as fabrics that can be used to decorate or mark separate areas.
Out of all the options the Trigonos construction system provides, the Mini is the one more oriented to the process of building itself, to the pleasure of assembling various structures using their pieces and then disassembling them and starting new challenges again. It is designed for children in ages 6-10 who like building objects.
In addition, Mini Trigonos allows you to tackle more or less complex geometric challenges depending on the kid’s wishes or maturation stage. Playing with the joins at different angles (45º, 90º and 135º), as well as with the various stick lengths, they will be able to observe mathematical relationships (fourth, third, half, double, triple...). Later, it can be used to visualize the square or cube of a number, the square root, or even check the accuracy of the Pythagorean Theorem.
Although large structures can be built with these games, all pieces are easily stored in the small supplied cardboard box. To show this relationship, Trigonos Mini XL comes in a 24 x 24 x 24 cm box and some structures can reach up to 77 x 77 x 127 cm once assembled.
There are four sets of Mini Trigonos to choose from, each with the following number of loose pieces of wood and fabric:
Mini Trigonos S (42 pieces)
- 6 cubic blocks, measuring 3 x 3 x 3 cm
- 6 pentagonal blocks, measuring 3 x 3 x 3.5 cm
- 14 sticks, 9.5 cm long
- 14 sticks, 14 cm long
- 2 pieces of red cotton-polyester fabric
- 1 pentagonal cardboard house-box for storage with sliding sleeve
Mini Trigonos M (85 pieces)
- 10 cubic blocks, measuring 3 x 3 x 3 cm
- 12 pentagonal blocks, measuring 3 x 3 x 3.5 cm
- 10 sticks, 20 cm long
- 10 sticks, 14 cm long
- 12 sticks, 9.5 cm long
- 15 sticks, 6.5 cm long
- 10 sticks, 4.5 cm long
- 3 pieces of navy blue cotton- polyester fabric
- 3 pieces of turquoise cotton-polyester fabric
- 1 pentagonal cardboard house-box for storage with sliding sleeve
Mini Trigonos L (130 pieces)
- 16 cubic blocks, measuring 3 x 3 x 3 cm
- 28 pentagonal blocks, measuring 3 x 3 x 3.5 cm
- 10 sticks, 20 cm long
- 20 sticks, 14 cm long
- 20 sticks, 9.5 cm long
- 20 sticks, 6.5 cm long
- 10 sticks, 4.5 cm long
- 2 pieces of yellow cotton-polyester fabric
- 4 pieces of orange cotton-polyester fabric
- 1 pentagonal cardboard house-box for storage with sliding sleeve
Mini Trigonos XL (550 pieces)
- 100 cubic blocks, measuring 3 x 3 x 3 cm
- 100 pentagonal blocks, measuring 3 x 3 x 3.5 cm
- 20 sticks, 20 cm long
- 20 sticks, 14 cm long
- 70 sticks, 9.5 cm long
- 220 sticks, 6.5 cm long
- 20 sticks, 4.5 cm long
- 1 cubic cardboard puzzle-box for storage
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